PYO a bucket of Braeburn Apples

NZ$5.00  +GST
Out Of Stock


Pick your organic sprayed apples from the tree

Out Of Stock

Pick Your Own Apples

 Each year we open the Block of Braeburn apples for customers to pick their own. These apples have had only organic sprays and have some skin markings.  In previous years our customers have used them for both fresh eating and processing. Many families just come to enjoy the experience.



1309 Kaipaki Road



Contact for further information CONTACT


 We provide 9.5 litre buckets to pick into, but you will need a bag or box to take the fruit home as we no longer obtain plastic bags. We do not weigh the bucket, so it is up to you how full you fill it ????


Price per bucket is $5 or $20 for 5 buckets

There is no entry fee

 Opening hours

  9.30am to 5 pm every day except following two days when at Matamata and Lions Trash and Treasure Markets

  • Saturday 13th April 2.30pm to 5pm
  • Sunday 14th April 3pm to 5pm
  • Good Friday by arrangement only $20 per family
  • And Easter Sunday 21st April Closed all Day

 You are welcome to take photos

 To ensure your safety there are some basic requirements

 Safety Requirements

 We aim to ensure you have a safe visit so request that you comply with safety requirements to meet OSH and other Regulations

  • Stay with vehicle until met by owner
  • All animals to be secure in vehicle
  • Children are to be under adult control
  • Wear suitable foot wear as ground can be uneven
  • No climbing trees or on machinery

Park neatly and take care when leaving property