Black Currant Magnus
Good fruiting Black Currant
Magnus for many years was the main commercial variety in New Zealand. The plants produce large black fruit that are high in Vitamin C. Upright growth Suited to warmer areas of New Zealand
Black Currants generally fruit on wood formed in the last 12 months however it has been known that on plants that are quite open for sun penetration, then fruiting spurs have grown on older wood and fruit have formed on these spurs. Black currants they are a good souce of vitemin C
It a decidious shrub with multi-stemmed canes with large soft green leaves which when crushed have a strong currant fragrance. Magnus is self fertile but better fruit set is obtauned wth more than one plant
When mature plants are 1.5m to 2m high
Firm and easily picked berries ripen ate December to February . Expect a few berries in the second year after planting, heavy crops by the fourth year. Then will be in production for ten years or more.
Sold as Bare rooted