Corokia Red Wonder

NZ$3.00  +GST
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This is a fast-growing hardy native shrub with an upright habit.

The evergreen leaves are smaller than Frosted Chocolate and more oblong deep-green  turning bronze. The underneath of leaf is lighter

Small yellow daisy like flowers in spring are followed by masses of deep-red berries in autumn that are atractive to birds

 Will grow to a height of 3m if left but easily trimmed between 75cm and 2m.

Likes full sun or part shade. Very hardy and can handle strong winds, coastal conditions and dry soils once established. .

It makes a good medium sized hedge but cab be used on its own or as a flille

For a low hedge of between 50cm – 1m  plant them 30cm – 50cm apart. For a hedge of between 1m – 2m we recommend planting them 50cm – 1m apart.