Kaipaki Nursery and Orchard

NZ$40.00  +GST
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Good all purpose Early Apple Tree

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The original Gravenstein originated in Europe in the 1600s Over time  growers have selected from trees producing an apple with a redder skin than the original green apple with light blush

 It is one of the earliest apples cropping here in Cambridge around the second week of January. Unlike some of the other early varieties it does not go flourery. 

The fruit has a sharp taste  which some people like  but it is very versartile being suitable for sauces bottling and is a good variety for cider 

It does need cross pollination and is not good at pollinating other varieties Poor pollination can result in more small fruits. Another early variety such as Early Strawberry  or Merton Worcester

MM102 is  medium growth rootstock 2.5 to 3m

Bare rooted Bagged add $5