Lomandra longifolium syn L longifolia

NZ$3.00  +GST
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Lomandra longifolia, commonly known as Mat Rush, is a hardy landscape plant with many applications from commercial to domestic gardens. It makes a great filler plant with very low maintenance. Dimensions
H: 1 metre to 1.5 metres W: 1 metre to 1.3 metres Has yellow perfumed flowers in Spring & Summer 
Lomandra  will grow in full sun or up to 70% shade. It will handle full exposure to coastal winds with only a little leaf tip burn. Good in coastal humidity and grows well inland where it can handle cold to –10ºC and heavy frost - once established after the first season.
Does best in sandy loam, and free draining clay loams
Trim foliage in spring by half every 3 to 5 years, or as needed. Annual trimming can give a topiary effect which looks great. Fertilize after trimming. Be careful when re-mulching and don’t over water.