Tamarillo Lairds Large
In 1.9 l pot
Tamarillos are related to tomatoes
Cluster of pink fragrant flowers appear in spring within 18 months from planting. Followed by large almost round bright red fruit.
Habit - Fast growing tree with large heart shaped leaves that are soft and hairy. Tamarillos need to be planted in a warm, sunny and sheltered site. The roots absolutely hate wet feet, so the soil should be very free-draining and rich in organic matter. Do not allow to dry out either and feed regularly. They will need protection from frosts.
The fruit is a good source of Vitamin A, B6, C and E. Rich in iron and potassium. Low in calories and high in dietary fibre.
Can be grown in a large pot (60cm wide) Will need extra care with watering and feeding.
Size - 3m x 2m
Pollination - Self-fertile
Harvest - May to July.