5 Native ground cover plants in 10cm fibre pots
Choice of any 5 New Zealand Native plants from following list
The price include courier to urban addressesin New Zealand./ Rural address will incur an extra charge
Acene pupurea Purple Bidibidi
This easy-to-grow groundcover forms a dense carpet of plum purple fern-like leaves. Unlike other Acaena, the inconspicuous brown seedheads don’t bear barbs or spines. Best in a sunny well-drained position. Hardy.1m x .02m
Leptospernum Red Falls
A great semi-prostrate flowering native mānuka, This shrub can be used to hang over retaining walls and soften edges with its weeping habit. Large, single, red flowers are produced to brighten up your winter. Reaches 0.5m in height and spreads to 1.5m.
Coprosma Hawerea
Attractive compact, spreading groundcover with tangled lush green foliage 0.2m x 1m
Coprosma Taiko
A vigorous prostrate dense shrub (0.5m high 1.5m spread) with dark green foliage turning dark purplish colour in winter. It has inconspicuous flowers are followed in autumn by blue berries which are partly concealed by leaves.