Fig Brown Turkey

Kaipaki Nursery and Orchard (Shopping at this outlet) Out Of Stock


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Shipping Weight:0.25kg


Full description:

Plants in 7 cm pots

Large pear shaped shaped fig. Yellow/brown soft flesh, with edible seeds which have a nutty taste like dried figs. Fairly tough skin and when ripe have a green/brown/purple hue.

It grows into a  spreading tree with roundish top growing to 4-5 metres. Figs will begin to bear fruit after 3-5 years

Self pollinated

Tghe first crop or breba figs form on last years growth and will not grow until spring. These ripen December- January depending on site. Second crop figs form during the summer growing season and ripen in the Autumn. To enhance development of late crop figs tip the new shoots to 4 or 5 leaves in mid December. The main crop is early February.